
Arlyn E. Uhrmacher

Arlyn E. UhrmacherHome Address: 3220 Sheridan Blvd., Lincoln, NE 68502

Current Office on the Board: Chairman

District Representing: Fifth

Board Member Since: January 2021

Term Expires: December 2024


College(s) and Degrees from Each: Kearney State College (University of Nebraska at Kearney), B.A. in Education, 1970; University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Master of Education, 1983;  University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Specialist in Educational Administration and Supervision, 1992.

High School: Juniata Public Schools, Juniata, NE

Year Graduated: 1966


Current Position/Title: Retired

Past Employment Summary: Middle school and high school Industrial Technology teacher for 24 years in Lincoln Public Schools; Associate Principal, Lincoln High School for 13 years. Field Agent for Information Providers, Inc. for 10 years.

Professional Organizations/Offices Held: Member, Officer, Board Member of Lincoln Education Association and Nebraska Education Association; Board Member, Lincoln Public Schools Employees Federal Credit Union; Member, Greater Lincoln Workforce Development Board; Life Member, National Education Association.

Community Involvement

Member, Lincoln Northeast Kiwanis; Past Lt. Gov., Nebraska-Iowa District of Kiwanis; Past President and Board Member, Lincoln Northeast Kiwanis; K-Kids Volunteer at Saratoga Elementary School; Graduate, Lincoln Police Citizens Academy; member, Sheridan Lutheran Church.