
What is the 澳门开奖直播 CARE Team

What is the 澳门开奖直播 CARE Team

The 澳门开奖直播 Community College (澳门开奖直播) Campus Assessment, Response, Evaluation (CARE) Team mission is to provide a safe environment for the college community through coordinated analysis and risk assessment of student well-being, collaboration across the campus, information collection, intervention and case management.

The CARE Team is a cross-functional assessment group that responds to students in need or in apparent/potential distress. The CARE Team will provide a means to report and/or to identify and monitor student wellness concerns or behaviors that may be troubling and to engage students sooner, rather than later. Early engagement assures these students can receive needed referrals or other appropriate assistance and treatment. The CARE team functions to:

  • Collect information from students, faculty, staff, and the College community about students who demonstrate a potential need through current or past behavior, conduct or expression.
  • Evaluate collected information against a standard of care response and rubric.
  • Prevent possible harm by providing support and initiating appropriate intervention/referral based on evaluation.

The core CARE team consists of membership from the following College divisions/services:

 CARE team

Ad hoc members include:

  • Athletics
  • Residence Life
  • Access/Equity/Diversity
  • Human Resources

If you have any further questions or have comments, please contact your campus Dean of Students or Safety/Security Specialist:
Beatrice Campus/Falls City & Hebron Learning Centers:

  • Dean of Students: 402-228-8286 or Ext. 1286
  • Safety & Security Specialist: 402-228-8279 or Ext. 1279

Lincoln Campus (all locations)/Plattsmouth & Nebraska City Learning Centers:

  • Dean of Students: 402-437-2559
  • Safety & Security Specialist: 402-437-2408

Milford Campus/York & Wahoo Learning Centers:

  • Dean of Students: 402-761-8270
  • Safety & Security Specialist: 402-228-8279 or Ext. 1279
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If a person is an immediate threat themselves or someone else or is incapable of caring for themselves, CALL 911.

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